10. AP News conference inaugarating Kabul, Afghanistan as one of the top 10 cities to live
9. NY Mets – "Dress Like a Suspicious Semite" Day
8. Domino Sugar Co's Direct Mailing of free samples of their new confectionary sugar.
7. Commuter Unions' protest of over-burdensome security measures at airports.
6. Hallmark's declaration of September 11th as "Happy-Fun Day"
5. The American Film Critic's Guild Labeling "The Siege" as one of Hollywood's most unrealistic movies
4. Acme American Flag Co. Filing Chapter 11
3. Rock Band Anthrax's release of their new album "Breathe Easy"
2. Herman Neskowski, of Springfield Massuchusettes, planning to sell his "Travel Box-Cutter" idea and retiring off the proceeds.
1. The WB Television special feature: America's Greatest Tragedy Ever: The Decline of Bell-Bottoms