With Judaica Treasures, the Lubab cafe brunch and bookstore closing shop, the Curse of 72nd St. for Kosher restaurants (Other victims: Josephs, Provi Provi, Barouge Cafe, Krispy Kreme, Tuscan Grill, Dougies Dairy, and most recently Dougies BBQ) is more apparent than an orthodox shidduch blind date trying to make conversation. It seems the next kosher establishment trying its luck on 72nd st is Nargila Grill – stepping in the ole Dougies spot. (at least the sign up says nargila grill). Is this the same Nargila on the East Side that is actually smokin good food? Inquiring minds will know soon.
So what is wrong with 72nd st.? Are the kosher kids moving uptown too fast?
You tell me. Conspiracy theories are welcome.