The Apprentice reality tv show apparantly has spawned some interesting behavior from our beloved Orthodox Jewish contestants:
Daniel Brody, aka “the fired Ortho YU dude”, is apparantly cashing in on his reality tv show fame to, you guessed it, become a singer-song writer. Yes, the Floridian, Teanackian, GrandmasBakerian has released his first tune on his website HERE, click ON, and listen to his ”American Made” accoustic balad …It’s actually pretty good and strange all at once – unclear if he is currently accepting gigs to sing under your chupah… we’ll keep you updated…
according to the Lenny Val website, has made this t-shirt himself which is so jewishgeography! it warms our unhardened hearts….
you can pick one up hereLee Bienstock,
News from our other Jewish brethren contestants: