based on the original song "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac, Smashing Pumpkins, and the Dixie Chicks
I took my black hat, I took it down
I climbed Masada in a skirt, and now wear pants all around
And I saw no mechitza in the dome-covered shul
Well the West Side brought me down
Oh, 3 stars in the sky
Help me stay frum
Can the mikdash within my heart, rise above
Can I sail thru the changing, feminist tides
Can I handle the modernity, of my life……ohhhh
Well, I've been afraid of changing 'cause I built my gedarim around you
But the West Side makes you colder
Singles grow older
I'm getting modern-orthodox too
Well, I've been bored of learning 'cause I built my p’sak around you
But time makes you bitter
Parnasah becomes the ikker
I'm going off the derech too,
Well I'm going off the derech too,
So, take this mussar, write it down
If you climb a spiritual mountain, and then you fall down
If you see your neshama’s reflection feeling like a snow-covered hill
Well maybe its an Aliyah Derech Yareeda on your way turning you around
Well maybe
Well maybe
Well maybe its time to landslide to bring you back up even higher.