10. The portions of the allotted food rations never changed, no matter how old you got
9. Going to bed while it was still daylight
8. Those confounded whistle blasts (what the heck kind of camp doesn't use its pa system but blows whistles for everything???)
7. Buying your own whistle on hike day so you can screw up the system and end learning groups early
5. Hiking 7 miles to a freaking candy store on "trip day." Then walking back.
4. Getting 2 Sudafed's for a jammed finger.
3. Shia Stadium, Yanky Stadium, The Velt forum, Candle Shtick Park, and Eppis Field
2. Getting docked from cante-oh wait, there was no canteen for campers…
1. Letter Writing Day, Laundry Day and Shower Day