15. No matter who you are, you must have plans to meet up with all your best friends from camp at the Fountain exactly at noon.
14. Three rebel yeshivish guys behind you on line must be a. smoking, b. wearing Kings Dominon painter caps, c. eating non kosher funnel cakes
13. For some reason there is always one White Trash gentile couple wearing Megadeath t-shirts who can't seem to figure out what's going on (but will ultimately join the KKK later on that day)
12 If you do not have a high school sport jacket and knitted kippah you might as well stay on the bus and cry
11. The hands down most romantic moment of your life is sitting next to the girl/guy you like on the scary rides, with hopes that you may have an excuse to hold hands
10 You fear the lines more than the ride
9. The NCSY advisor you always had a crush on must show up engaged
8. Anyone you are trying to avoid, must be everywhere you go
7. Every guy/girl you've ever hated in your life, must show up with a hot girlfriend/boyfriend
6. Huge Dolls may only be won by overweight loud NCSY advisors from Baltimore, who swear that it was there first time ever playing
5. For really religious people there are only two words that really mean anything: Skeeball Tickets
4. When going down the first roller coaster drop, you hear someone screaming "HAKADOSH BARUCH HU!" On the next drop, its the same thing, just with the F word added
3. No matter how cold it is, there will always be at least one bearded rebbe dude getting soaked on the water rides, who then spends an hour looking for one of his pens that fell out
2. Paying thirty dollars for a raw hot dog and chips is completely worth it.
1. You are still looking for where your bus is.