10. After Hoshana Rabbah throw aravos atop the Arc D'Triumphe
9. Send 100 meshulachim out of Paris on a mission called shnor d'france
8. Just Say No to Barton's Bartonettes
7. Boro Parkers switch to (white on white) British Cuff shirts
6. Renaming it "The Diary of Anne Trenk"
5. "Le Marais" changes name to "Golder's Green"
4. Yeshiva guys stop making believe "interesant" is Yiddish for interesting.
3. Married women no longer wearing berets (Teaneck type)
2. At (by) the seder, skip over the "maka" of "frogs".
1. Skip all Rashis that have "b"laaz" in them