10. "Meet My Machatanim": Shidduch prospects are tested by the in-laws with a lie detector to see if they really were shomer negia while dating their daughter
9. "Shtark Search": YU holds talent competition to find the next president who can raise money and read Yiddish
8. "Ayin-Hara Factor": Contestants are faced with tons of compliments, and no "C'ayin Harah" to save them
7. "American BrIDAL": Thousands of Kallah Wannabes compete to get on Onlysimchas homepage
6. "Survivor": Welcome to the Jewish History Channel
5. "The isREAL-World": 10 girls are shoved into a 1 floored seminary in Israel and are told to live together in harmony
4. "Lots and lots of Big Brothers": Stuck in a station wagon
3. "The Amazing Race": Travel game where groups search for reasons why Jews are really an immortal people.
2. "The Shulrreal Life": B-list Jewish celebs such as Uncle Moishe, Tamir Goodman and Shmuely Boteach are stuck in a Synagogue kiddush room
1. "Joe Kollel": He doesn't really learn, but the bais yaacov girls don't know that!