10. The "Salt" Delay: Lots of shaking hand motions naturally followed by a slew of "NUs?"
9. The "Not Until 6:03pm" Delay: mincha-maariv delay suddenly makes shul bulletin the most entertaining magazine ever written
8. The "Did you get and Aliyah yet?" Delay: Simchat Torah, 500 people, 2 Torahs.
7. The "Shir Hamalos" Delay: Dessert ended 2 hours ago- pass out the benchers, before I pass out
6. The "Hashem Elokeichem Emes" Delay: Come on Rabbi!
5. The "Shul Announcements" Delay: 45 minutes of "Sisterhood" events.
4. The "Mohel Pre-Bris" Delay: Be smart. Take the time to wrap up another bagel
3. The "Scandalous Shul News" Delay: Absolutely no delay here.
2. The "When did we eat Meat?" Delay: Suddenly you're from Holland
1. The "Yichud Room" Delay: Justifiable