10. How long have you been on the UWS? (How jaded are you compared to me? Will my B.S. lines work on you?)
9. Where do you live? (How much money do you make compared to me? Will I consider dating you?)
8. Do you know ________(insert name)? (Are you worth knowing socially?)
7. Why haven’t I seen you around before? (Are you in a better social circle than me?)
6. Do you have a place for Shabbos? (Will you go out with me? Will you bring your cute friend?)
5. Where are you from? (How much money do you make compared to me? Will I consider dating you?)
4. Where do you daven? (How religious are you compared to me? Will I consider dating you?)
3. What high school did you go to? (How scummy were you? Will I consider dating you?)
2. Where did you go to college? (How much money do you make compared to me?/ Will I consider dating you?)
1. What do you do? (How much money do you make compared to me? Will I consider dating you? Can you find me a job?)