10) When someone mentions a potential date your autoresponse is usually "Ok, now what's really wrong with them".
9) The "I'd love to, but I'm really busy washing my hair" line is no longer a line.
8) You constantly think about your second grade crush and wonder why you couldn't have made it work.
7) You vow to marry the next person who walks through your door, then actually stop to ponder what life with the chinese delievery guy would be like.
6) When you see "happy couples" on the street holding hands and engaging in other acts of PDA you throw pennies at them.
5) You started writing a book entitled "Like sand through an hourglass, these are the dates of my life"
4) When describing your most recent date to your family your mother says, "Stop it you'll scare your little sister"
3) You get sympathetic stares from the people who work at the "dating spots" because you are there AGAIN with someone ELSE.
2) You embrace single life. Heck, if Rachel, Ross, Phoebie and Joey are happy you can be too!
1) Swearing off the opposite sex, you've found no problem in becoming "the man/lady with cats"