10. Lego – until ultra-religious friend politely tells you that your going to hell for building on the Sabbath
9. Trivial Pursuit – "People and Places" or "Sport and Leisure", you knew nothing else
8. Nok-Hockey – you spend 2 hours trying to find the puck
7. Taboo – this is where you learned to say loshon horah without mentioning the person's name
6. Building tents out of your sheets – umm, I really have no clue why we did that
5. Monopoly – The "Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 Dollars," line was always in your Rebbi's repertoire
4. Spades – Pringles as 'betting chips' made this card game so much more interesting
3. Risk – Afghanistan takes on a total new meaning now
2. Capture the flag – you couldn't carry, so you made the flag someone's necktie
1. There's always some kid with a ping-pong table