10. you can hold your own when comparing passport stamps, you just whip out all of those cool circle and rectangle ones with three languages on them
9. You expect to be able to sneak on about 6 carry-on bags
8.(coming from) the only place in the world where the kosher food isn't really kosher…enough
.You have had your teffilin opened and checked before the flight4.You are ready for the worst turbulence, which is from the shuckling during shmone esreh
3.The only in flight entertainment you need is a Hassid getting into a fight with a stewardess
2. You bring a water bottle with you rinse out your mouth after landing and kissing the ground
1. You have reached a major milestone in your life when you have finally earned enough miles to get your seat before coming to the airport
7.You expect to sit next to somebody on a flight with a gun, and feel safer
6. Screaming babies, what screaming babies