10. No one knows their street address, only the NAME of their building.
9. The concept of 'Shabbat Elevator' has been redefined to: "If you live on any floor above 5, the doorman presses the elevator button for you, and then presses your floor number."
8. No one knows when the Jewish Center *really* starts davening on Shabbat
7. The "Young Professionals Minyan" should be renamed to the "Young-Not-So-Sure-What-To-Do-With-My-Life-Economy-Sucks-I-Have-No-Money-Min
6. A long distance relationship is defined when the guy lives in the Westmont and the girl lives in the Key West.
5. A long term relationship is defined when you are in the same elevator as the opposite sex and you ride up to any floor above 11 and conversation is exchanged.
4. Shabbat afternoon Park Clothes = Friday Corporate Casual
3. EVERYONE has queen size beds. Hmmmm….
2. Every bedroom I have seen looks like page 142 from the Ikea catalog
1: No matter where you end up for your Friday night Shabbat meal, you know you are having honey mustard chicken from Mezonot.