10. Your weekly shabbos attire includes a tacky piece of elastic with a key attached to it that you assure everyone is a bona fide halachic "shabbos belt."
9. You dream about toxic colored rainbow cake.
8. You repress your urge to sing shabbos zmiros after Friday night dinner because you might give Hillel the stigma of being a "religious" institution.
7. You figure going to the football games is in the spirit of Shabbos as long as you sing a niggun instead of the MD cheers.
6. Your shtarkest friends all live in a place called St. Mary’s.
5. You hold off investing in a printer because you know Hillel has an endless supply of paper.
4. Your only reason for working at Roz’s is to find your Bashert.
3. After the latest "US News and World Report" polls, you have come to think the business building was built primarily to serve as a short cut to Hillel.
2. You spend half your days thinking of comebacks to the La Rouche followers.
1. Although you think all your friends are shomer negiah, there is no chance in hell Testudo is flying away at your graduation