10. You know the key code to every building on Bennett Avenue.
9. You’ve engaged in a two-hour ethical debate on whether or not a girl can a) make kiddush Friday night and yotzei a man, b) make kiddush Saturday morning and yotzei a man, c) make havdalah Motzei Shabbos Kodesh and yotzei a man, and d) enroll in a non-Talmudic class at Drisha and not get labeled as a “Drisha-chic.”
8. Shabbos afternoons are *made* for ogling the Xic Renaissance art in the Cloisters, but only because it’s the only place you can walk with a member of the opposite sex and not have all the yentas assume that you’re engaged.
7. You know better than to try buying ice cream from an ice cream truck.
6. When giving somebody your address, you don’t bother saying what street it’s on. And why should you? Everyone lives on the same block. *
5. Girls: The locals see that you have black, curly (i.e. Jewish) hair and, mistaking you for a Latina, ask you out.
4. Guys: You know what Dombrov looks like on the inside (this is a big thing for girls, who’ve never been there and will never get to go).
3. On Shabbos morning at the Bridge Shul, you skip over the Rambam’s Yikarim because you believe, in perfect faith, that if you say them you won’t make it to Kiddush before all the ice cream is gone.
2. It goes unstated that somebody davening Mincha at Mt. Sinai plans on making Shaloseudos for twenty people, even though they haven’t invited any guests.
1. You’ve walked to New Jersey at least twice out of sheer boredom.
* Apologies to the one person reading this that doesn’t live on Bennett Avenue.