10. Finds no problem saying 'Shkoach to dealer after winning hand of black jack
9. Skips mincha and maariv due to no windows in casino as well as for parnasah reasons
8. When calls for stripper specifies looking for an Ashes Chayil who is a Yiras Shamayim
7. Spotted saying Az Yashir when crossing bridge from Luxor Pyramid to Mandalay Bay
6. Rationalizes swimming with bikini filled pool and Jacuzzi as the possibility it maybe a kosher mikvah
5. Cites reason for hotel names of New York, New York and Circus Circus as Loshon Chiba
4. Bases all bets at roulette table on gematria of number of pasukim in parsha of the week
3. Asks waitress for complimentary drink…of Rashi Wine
2. Mispronounces the New Vegas Show Circus De Soleil's Show "O", as "OY"
1. Spot 10 short guys, none wearing yarmulkas, all wearing YULA basketball jerseys