10. You find yourself flirting with Jewish-looking gentiles on the Great Lawn shabbos
9 You've stayed up till 4am vehemently debating the kashrus of Viva Pizza
8. You recognize everyone on the subway platform in the morning, and desperately avoid saying hello to any of them
7. You know the set list at Fez
6. Life-altering decisions for you generally revolve around where you're eating meals on shabbos
5. You've rejected numerous setup-date proposals with the "No, I know her/him already" line
4. The only guy visiting your apartment late night is the Gan Asia delievery man
3. You find yourself actually getting the jokes on bangitout.com
2. You go to a party every saturday night, only to end up talking to your own roomates for four hours
1. Hey, where else you gonna meet your cousin's, best friend's roomate's, brother's neighbor?