1) His name is Mickey Mouse…..no, he's not an Israeli woman, and he doesn't spell his name 'Miki'
2)"Homeward Bound" is not about someone making Aaliyah
3) Happy is not still drunk from Purim….Grumpy did not grow up on Statin Island….Sneezy did not have snuff….Sleepy did not stay up all night on Shavuot….Dopey did shave during sephira…..Doc is
not the one their mother is most proud of…..Bashful is not shomer Negia
4) When You Wish Upon A Star, you ARE doing Avodah Zarah
5) Darkwing is not the Satan
6) Beauty and the Beast was not recorded during the Omer. The Beast really is that hairy.
7) Sleeping Beauty is not your wife, while you're in shul on a Saturday morning
8) Mary Poppins is not Jesus's mother
9) His name is Winnie The Pooh, not Winnie Pooh-Pooh-Pooh
10) Snow White was not punished for eating a treif apple…she was punished for eating an apple that was prepared by a non-Jew
11) "It's A Small World" is not referring to the Jewish world, even though everyone still seems to know each other anyway
12) Yes, Mulan did commit "Beged Ish," but she still got the guy she loved, which proves a rasha will get their reward in this world, but a tzadek will get his reward in the world to come.
13) "You can Fly" is what you say when you get loaded with Pixie Dust, not when you get loaded on Purim.
14) "Kiss the Girl" may not be a song you want to sing to your black-hatter roommate when he's about to go on a shiduch date
15) "Dovid Melech Yisrael" in English is not "Davey Crockett, King Of The Wild Frontier."
16) The "Tiki Tiki Tiki Room" is not African for "The Yichud Room."
17) Tarzan is not a Nazir
18) Bambi is not a U.S.Yer
19) Don't confuse the "Fox and The Hound" with "Wolf and Lamb"
20) Pokahontas didn't live in a succah
21) "A spoonful of sugar" makes the medicine go down, but if it's a kezayit, it needs a bracha Acharona
22) "Be Our Guest" is not an Upper West Side shabbat zemira….even though it would be so cool if someone did that
23) Pride Rock is not massada
24) The little mermaid might be kosher to eat….ask your rabbi…..after all, she does have fins and she
does have scales
25) "Heigh-Ho" is not a pickup line you want to use on the UWS
26) "The Rescuers" is not a cartoon about "hatzala"
27) Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is not referring to your taxi ride in Israel
28) The Black Cauldron is not filled with Cholent
29) "I've Got No Strings To Hold Me Down" is not a song UWS guys use after they say "It's just not shayech."
30) Pinnochio is a Mamzer
31) Parent Trap is not another name for Chanukah
32) "The Three Caballeros" is not about the three wisemen
33) "Lady And The Tramp" is not the cartoon version of "Trembling Before G-d"
34) Splash Mountain is NOT a kosher Mikva
35) Big Thunder Mountain is not where the Jews got The Torah
Travis; Queens, NY