15. You claim you're not a feminist.

14. When people ask you if you go to Midreshet Lindenbaum you give them a blank

13. The nonexistent curfew had “no effect” on your decision to attend Brovenders.

12. Without hesitation, you step into the elevator and promptly ignore all the Israeli girls.

11. You claim you went to a “yeshiva” rather than a “seminary.”

10. You begin to define good cuisine as schnitzel and tiyul cookies.

9. You're spoiled by living in a hotel with air conditioning and American mattresses.

8. You find yourself in a heated argument (chavrusa) about girls learning Gemara every other day.

7. You worship Shani Taragin and become an “ITT”er.

6. You become brainwashed into thinking Efrat will bring the Moshiach.

5. You find yourself increasingly drawn to the “Beis” as the year progresses.

4. “Dressing up” means throwing a black skirt over your flannels.

3. You convince Tova into thinking you HAVE to return to America for your sister's friend's son's bris.

2. Your college plans must include Barnard, Columbia, or Penn (or at least not Stern).

1. You think Gush guys are your only option.