10. She goes by her fifth name, which incidentally is also her sister's third name.

9. She takes a shot of vodka at every mention of the word 'Misnagdim'

8. At dinner, she helps herself to your "Shirayim"

7. Due to her awkward davening time schedule, she comes an hour late adorned in her second pair of Tefillin

6. She smokes, and dresses too cool to be orthodox. Freckles are part of her outfit.

5. Her parent's first question to you is which Daf of the Tania you're up to.

4. When you sneeze, instead of God Bless you…she responds L'chaim. ('770' is certainly not just another selection of the Kedem vineyards for her)

3. She has a picture of the Rebbe in her wallet that says "Friends 4ever" and "I'll be back" on the back

2. Her biggest turn-on is an excessivly bearded man

1. She has never heard of Stern College for Women