The Purim Shpiel was put on for Purim 2003 in the 34th Street Jewish Center
Isaac Galena, Jordan Hiller, Seth Galena, Avi Korn, Joel Orgel and Corey Baker
Good Shabbos, everyone. Just a few quick shul announcements before we continue with the shpeil.
– Mincha today is at 5:34pm sharp, which will follow the Rabbis Weekly Shiur in Speed Learning at 5:33pm
– Kiddush tonight is sponsored anonymously by Mr. And Mrs. Schwartzman
– The shul acapella choir group is looking for a new tenor as little Robbi Grunstien goes through um stages of puberty… please see Doctor Schwartz for more specific details.
– Due to the horrible lack of response to the upcoming annual Sisterhood “Journal dinner”, the dinner will now be referred to as the “Sisterhood Leaflet snack”, and will be held in the back of shul kitchen following the lavish Markowitz bar mitzvah.
– Shacharis this week will be held at 7am, 7:02, and 7:14 the regular 7:11 minyan will be held in the nearby bodega, and the 11:45 minyan will be held in each of the attendees bedrooms.
– Mazal Tov to Ben Weiss and Shirly Shulman on their recent engagement! (MAZAL TOV!)
– Another Mazal Tov to Ben Weiss and