Setting: Shul minayn
Crowd of people standing around impatiently
Father looking at watch: This is terrible. We've waited 35 minutes and still the Mohel hasn't shown up.
Gabbai: (Trying to calm father) Relax. He'll get here. Everyone says that he's one of the best. I'm sure he's just delayed. Maybe he had an earlier circumcision.
Meanwhile, at the front door enters a plumber.
Plumber to random shul member: I'm here to re-fit some piping that was installed last week.. Looks like it wasn't measured right
Man: I remember the gabbai mentioning something about that. I'm sure he's expecting you. He's standing over there (pointing towards the gabbai)
Plumber to Gabbai: Hey there, I hear you're expecting me.
Gabbai: Oh thank G-d. What took you so long?
Plumber: Oh, I just had to finish up a job a few miles away.
Gabbai: I figured that was the case
Plumber: Yeah, it wasn't pretty. It's a good thing I'm not the one who needs to mop up the mess when I'm done.. Hah!
Gabbai: Ok…. I don't think our congregation will appreciate seeing that
Plumber: Hey, they don't have to look. I'm just concerned with the finished product
Gabbai: Well, I understand that you're quite good
Plumber: I let my work speak for itself
Father: Well it's about time