In the Beginning G-d created Rebecca Miller and it was good. A beautiful, sensitive writer/director/actress complete with the legacy of father Arthur (A'H) and the undying love of acting great Daniel Day Lewis. Her Edenisitic ballad reveals the earthiness and purity of her essence and it is touching to see but alas there is a snake in the garden.
Much like M. Night Shyamalan's latest masterwork The Village, Miller's film is about a parent's overzealous mission to shelter the children – keep them safe, and hidden, and guarded from the outside world. While Shyamalan played this theme to indulge in creepiness, Miller decides to expose it nakedly and attempts to convey the message with a certain gravity by stringing together a hodgepodge of awkward and disarming moments.
Day Lewis works admirably but not memorably as Jack, an ex-hippie still living on the commune island he and his buddies tried to get on the bus with in the late 60's. Rose (Camille Belle) is his angelic cavewoman of a daughter devoted only to him and their way of life, but as we painfully learn , this is due to a stunted emotional development and a tainted psychological construction.
Miller chooses the moment of crisis to be the day a sick and dying Jack invites his inexplicably chosen ordinary but sweet girlfriend (Catherine Keener) along with her two sons