1. You make about 10 different trips to 7-11 on the same Saturday night but only one person gets a slurpie.
2. When asking a boy/girl for the time is actually asking something totally different than the time.
3. You go to Kent on Wednesdays
4. You know exactly how B****y someone is with out actually having spoken to them.
5. When you always say how much you hate Brooklyn but deep down you know you could never move.
6. When you think Buffalo is only an animal
7. You go out of town and you can't wait to get back to reality
8. You can't understand why NYC isn't the capital (Albany who?)
9. The men's sections at weddings have more color than the women's
10. By the end of the night, there IS no men/women's sections
11. You're a loyal viewer of onlysimchas.com (you get all the gossip from)
12. It doesn't matter if it's simchas torah, lag baomer or a crime scene