10. Subways Are For Schnorring
9. The Pastrami Game
8. Tuition (“Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred dollars/How do you measure, measure a year?”)
7. The Klezmer Man (“No, the fellow sells choirs–boys' choirs. I don't know how he does it….”)
6. On the Fifty-Seventh Century (based on a play written before 1940 CE–otherwise it might have been On the Fifty-Eighth Century)
5. Lakewood Boys
4. Ragtrade (“It was the music of women at sewing/The ILGW budding and growing/While fortunes were won and lost, dresses got made/The people called it Ragtrade”)
3. Jacques Brel is Baruch Hashem Alive and Well and Making a Comfortable Living in Paris
2. Wicked (in repertory with Wise, Simple, and Unable to Ask a Question)
1. Rosh Hashana! (featuring “Surrey With Tzitzit On Top,” “The Levi and the Cohen Should Be Friends,” “The Eruv Is Up Today in Kansas City,” and the rousing title song: “Rosh Hashana! Reish-Aleph-Shin-Hey-Shin-Nun-Hey, Rosh Ha-sha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-na! Yahoo!”)