Yiddish is sentimentally referred to as mama-loshin (“mother language”). Katie Couric wants her viewers to come up with an original sign-off.
Here are 10 suggestions she (or your grandmother) might really dig:
10. “A gute nakht” (a good night)
9. “Azoygeyt es” (that's how it goes)
8. “Lomir makhr nakht” (let's call it a day)
7. “Sheynkeyt fargeyt, khokhme bashteyt” (beauty fades, wisdom stays)
6. “Vos nakh vilst du?” (what more do you want?)
5. “Dos is alts!” (that's all!)
4. “Shoyn genug!” (enough already)
3. “Gleyb eyn oyg mer vi tsvey oyern” (Trust one eye more than two ears)
2. “Gey gezunter heyt un kum gezunter heyt” (Go in good health and come (back) in good health.)
1. “Me vet zikh zen on NBC” (See you again on NBC.)
“Host du bay mir an avle.” (So I made a mistake.)