Everyone and their uncle has heard the joke about the guy who asks a rabbi continuously: 'how much would it cost to make me a cohen……” and the rabbi says he can't do it but asks why he wants it, to which the buyer responds: “Well my father was a cohen, my grandfather was a cohen etc…. (cohanim love jokes about them)
Well, if you want to buy your way to the Kahuna, look no further than eBay where Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield, NJ is auctioning off Simchas Torah Aliyah for Kohain. The winner of this auction will be entitled to tell the Gabbai his/her choice of Cohen for the first aliyah on Simchas Torah day at Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield, NJ
BID NOW and you might even be able to run around wearing your socks in shul too (if you drink enough)