Iris Bahr– an American Israeli comedian gives a how to description on how to fake being frum in the NYPost's page six


October 28, 2006 — BRONX-born comic Iris Bahr says her toughest challenge growing up was faking being an Orthodox Jew after her “ridiculously secular” parents decided she should have a proper Jewish education. “I had to find reasons for everything, from my absence from the neighborhood shul every Shabbes – 'My parents make me go to a super-Orthodox shul that nobody knows about' – to why my family only had one sink for both meat and milk dishes – 'We don't eat milk,' ” Bahr, from “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector,” writes in her memoir, “Dork Whore,” due out in March. “The hardest thing was missing the Young Israel Jewish Center weekly Shabbas event because my family was too busy dragging me to Manhattan to eat pork.”