10. The NCSY Advisor Saturday night, post havdala dancing who doesnt think he should change clothing for the night activity cause he wants to look frum

9. Lulav growing an ecosystem of mold sitting in your hallway 2 months after succos.

8. Kohainim with bad foot odor.

7. The inside of a black hat/shaitel after a long summer shabbos

6. Yourself, 2 hours after your all day Cholent Cook-off lunch then nap; then the cholent pot during the weekdays you forgot to throw out

5. In yeshiva, the bathroom by the bais medrash. I think its yisurim shel ahava for those who learn.

4. For my chassids, get those bekesha's dry cleaned. Plus streimel fur doesn't breathe.

3. All synagogue bathrooms. I am not sure we can blame this on anything other than over-eating at Friday night dinner or kids and seniors not knowing how to open their suit pants correctly.

2. It's not their fault, and I love them, but my Russian or Israeli brethren B.O. 

1. KD bathroom dungeon