For all you sports fans out there….Rabbis = Referees
10. Both are constantly heckled by those sitting in the nose-bleed section
9. They try to hide it, but it's a real kavod for them to do any major-league officiating
8. When it comes a tough ruling on the field, they regroup with their peers before making a final call
7. Constant use of hand gestures to get their point across (thumb scoop/your'e out)
6. People are always looking to buy them out, or kick dirt on them
5. They wear the same black and white uniform everywhere. Not to mention, black athletic shoes.
4. Both make sure you play by the rules and within the borders
3. Knee-high socks (chassidim)
2. Your rabbi claims God also has instant replay
1. Both are truly greatful to God for their cup