While some Jews in Israel are finding their way out of  the army, Jews in Germany these days are finding their way in – to the German Army.   Sounds like a true sign that the German Jewish community, now 200k in size, is becoming “normal” part of post holocaust society … or maybe not –  most of this growing Jewish population are recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union, “many of them seem to have fewer qualms about serving in the German army as do the third and fourth generation of German Jews.”  It's weird either way….

Since WWII, German Jews have not required to serve in the German Army…  but now that they are joinin up they aren't having too tough of a time fitting in –  one soldier adds in the article that he has not had a  ” daunting time fitting in, and neither have his fellow Jewish soldiers”  rather his fellow German solidiers are simply “curious about what it's like to be a Jew.” 

I feel like there's a good (completley inappropriate) punch line here waiting to happen…

for more details bang here…