Apparently next week kicks off “Israeli Apartheid Week” in NYC. Who knew?  You do. Now it is up to you next week to literally represent what is legit and what is Palestinian media BS.  We've made it easy for you – posted below is the schedule of the week long propaganda-laced speakers and events below.  It is up to you to ensure that these idiots realize how wrong it is to call Israel's defense of its own civilians from kid-killing, suicide-bombing, Palestinian Terrorists – an “Apartheid.”  If any of these events are near you, whip out a sign and let them know that you ain't taking this nazi-esque propaganda lightly!  Shoot out emails and let all your friends and neighbors know that NYC doesn't tolerate this pro-terrorist propaganda.  Certainly no one wants this temporary ugly wall up, but if it is literally saving lives by keeping Palestinian terrorists from blowing up pizzerias and discos – it has to stay up.

Israel has a right to defend itself from terrorists. The End. 

Also, if you get a chance, let em know Jimmy Carter is an A**shole.

The 3rd International Israeli Apartheid Week