10. Lox Luther – Only weakness is bagels
9. Pareve Dishes – Surreptitiously slips into milk and meat meals undetected
8. Oddball Hasgacha – Scams unassuming foods into pretending to be kosher
7. Over-Priced – can't help marking up anything and everything
6. Pitum Breaker – can crush your entire Succot experience with a simple flick
5. The Pen(flipper)guin – his pen flipping during a shiur is both mezmorizing and annoying!
4 The Mad Hatter – Wears his back hat only in the most inappropriate places (beach, Great Adventure, sleep)
3. SefiraFace – After 6 weeks, his wild rat beard in the office makes you reconsider your faith
2. Shabbos Freeze – Makes all shabbos food taste like leftovers
1 Bad Joker – Guy who wont leave you alone at synagogue kiddush