A MUST READ/SEE. In this Morning's New York Times, JENNIFER BLEYER explores our Upper West Side singles scene. As you'll notice, the photos are all from bangitout.com's events (Purim Throwdown Party and Tubav Party from last year), with interviews from local UWSer Baruch November to Rabbi Allen Schwartz of OZ etc. 

We at bangitout are very proud to be recognized for doing something to help out the community (yest, there is a community here, just sometimes hard to find/feel). And on a day like today, Tisha B'Av, the saddest day of the year, we realize even more so, how often lonely it can be and how much more important each and every event we do for the young kosher community.

Here is the article (it is only in the NY Edition “The City” Section)
Marriage on Their Minds

Hopeto see everyone at the bangitout TUBAV party this Thursday evening at the Hudson Beach Cafe in Riverside Park, after this article, it should be the party of the year: