10. Create The Hanukah Hybrid Car: a little oil goes a long way
9. Kill off Chrysler
8. Slap a mitzvah mobile megaphone to the top of every SUV and rename bailout "Tzedakah Fund"
7. Change name of Detroit Jewish Suburb "Oak Park" to "Boro Park", low priced dilapidated minivans without front bumpers will sell like hot cakes
6. Make it a more family oriented brand, changing GM to officially stand for "Gamza Mishpacha"
5. Give cars away, keep moneh running
4. Prohibit carpooling to overpriced Jewish kindergartens
3. Birthright Detroit: a free ride for those who've never bought American before
2. Threaten 10 Plagues if Senate does not "Let My Bailout Go"
1. Promote Henry Ford's legendary Anti-Semitism, cars will start to sell like Mercedes