20. You consumed approximately 535 cups of tea in one week
19. You are pleasantly surprised to find your keys no longer weigh 12lbs
18. You feel a mealtime isn't really complete without a ridiculously incoherent and unclear announcement spoken in an unidentifiable language
17. You were pretty much ready to bear the child of your Gamad the moment you received that glass of shabbat wine
16. The one thing you learned from the photography class: Any photo with a girl doing a split with the Swiss alps in the background can be a Pulitzer
15. Apparently "Karaoke" in Hebrew means "one girl sings for 5 hours straight"
14. Apparently "Oneg" in British means "a fully stocked open bar with twin bartenders"
13. You felt a little bad for not tearing your ACL
12. You've added "Exceptional at Bananagrams" as a 'must-have' requirement for your future spouse
11. You're experiencing severe "smooshed tuna-fish sandwich in a plastic bag lunch" withdrawal
10 In retrospect, those bright yellow bands identifying people as 'Jews' wasn't creepy at all; actually was really convenient!
9. You learned that no one ever taught British people how to play BINGO properly
8. You thought that lift sign flashing "ZU" meant To close the lift bar
7. Ishgil wouldn’t be Ishgil without some idiots getting stuck on the Austrian side
6. No matter where you are from, you now have a pocket full of random Francs, Euros, Dollars and Shekels
5. Any elevator with an actual door now seems kinda odd
4. You needed a PHd in Computer Science to get on the internet
3. The leaders of the trip still have no idea what your name is
2. You find yourself arbitrarily screaming "Shprecchen Sie Deutsche!!!!!!" and then making a ridiculous hand sign
1. You suddenly have 150 new international friends of facebook, most of which you've never said more than a word to, will never will say more than a word to, but will likely be the ones to introduce you to your future spouse