We are sorry to interrupt your dreadful pesach cleaning (you'll get to that Cheerio under fridge don't you worry!) but we need to inform you of the newest shtick to bring to your seder. (this ain't no rubber frogs, although those are always fun)
Feast your eyes on this sucker….
THE MAGIC ELIJAH CUP from ElijahDrinks.com
You put it on the seder table…
Fill it up with wine…
Then you open the door for Elijah (and mumble shfoch chamuscha under your liberal breath)…
You gather the kids around…
and VOILA – the wine start disappearing instantly! Elijah Drinking LIVE!
You will be the coolest person at your seder and you will convince all kids under 8 years old that there is a G-d, or at least a Ghost of Passover past. What could be better????
Watch it in action here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0BbxU67K8A
if you want one, just go to www.elijahdrinks.com and put in Bangitout in the coupon code for 10% off instantly. That's right, we just hooked you up with an early Afikomen present… our pleasure.
STAY TUNED for the ANNUAL BANGITOUT.com SEDER SIDEKICK! greatest seder jokes eva.