TUBAV WrapUp: Thank you to the 800 who came out to celebrate Tubav with www.Bangitout.com!

We hope you had a blast and met that special someone you can ultimately call “more than a friend.”

MATCHES: All Matches will be sent out today via email.  If you forgot to submit your MATCH card or if you want to add addtitional matches click here:


Additionally, you can change the option to be “set up with anyone who wanted to go out with you” check it.

PHOTOS:  All photos can be viewed here. http://www.bangitout.com/photosb/?level=album&id=33

There are several albums on Facebook. Please tag yourself so that others who saw you and didn't get to talk to you can do some post-tubav follow up.

If there was someone you wanted to date and need more information feel free to email our staff: events@bangitout.com and perhaps they can help you connect with that elusive person in white who caught your eye.

thanks again. stay tuned for the next bangitout.com event. Sign up for our Friday Email HERE