If you don't enjoy searching for your perfect lulav and wish someone would do it for you, Chabad West Side is offering premade Lulav & Etrog sets delivered straight to your home or if you want personalized attention, choose your own Lulav & Etrog Set at Chabad!
Have Rabbi Fried help you pick out a beautiful Lulav and Etrog set at Chabad or arrange for a complete set to be delivered directly to your home.
To order your Lulav & Etrog and for more details, click https://www.mychabad.org/templates/articlecco.asp?aid=295843&jewish=Lulav-Etrog-Order-Form.htm&lang=en&site=chabadwestside.org
Cost: $50 regular set $90 Mehudar set
Lulav sets will be available for pickup at Chabad on 92nd st. on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, September 29, 30 & October 1.