Print this sucker out and get your LEARN ON this shavuot – we can change the world with just one night of Torah!'s Upper West Side Shavuot Shiur Map 2011 |
Time | Topic | Teacher | Venue |
9:00 | In the Shoes of Naomi and Ruth: A bibliodramatic exploration of Ruth | Dr. Peter Pitzele | Bnei Jeshurun – 257 West 88th Street |
10:00 | Chabad & Satmar: Are They Chasidim? | Jerome Chanes | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | Political Humor in the Middle East: Better to Laugh than to Cry | Micah Halpern | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | Why Hillel, Must Become the Great 21st Century Teacher | Joseph Telushkin | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | Rabbi Gamliel & Rabbinic Authority: Religion or Politics? | Jeremy Rosen | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | From Passion to Action: Lessons from Moses on Effective Social Change | Lauren Kurland | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | “On1Foot” Text Study | AJWS | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | Meditation | Bernice Todres | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | Jews and Baseball | Art Shamsky | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | Contemporary Jewish Identity | I.Kula, S. M. Cohen, K.Peratis | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | A Responsum on Conversion | David Ellenson | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | The International Jewish People: Past or Future? | Peter Geffen | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | The Book of Ruth:Choosing Family for the Chosen People | Amy Kalmanofsky | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:00 | When God Lies: A Tale of Leadership, Rivalry & God’s White Lie | Michael Strassfeld | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
10:30 | Ma’amad Har Sinai – A Women’s Reading | A Gray, A. Leveen, M. Udel | Bnei Jeshurun – 257 West 88th Street |
10:30 | What does it mean to be “A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation” | Nehemia Polen | Carlebach Shul – 305 West 79th |
10:30 | From Good to Great – Torah as a means of Personal Growth | R' Mark Wildes | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst)10fl |
11:00 | Can Everybody be Right in Judaism? A Look at the Pluralism Myth | Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn | West Side Institutional 76th btw Columbus & Amst |
11:00 | The Scientific Case for G-d the Creator | R Moshe Averick | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
11:00 | Fertility, In-Vetro & other Jewish Possibilities | Rabbi Baruch Simon | West Side Institutional 76th btw Columbus & Amst |
11:00 | A Mt. Sinai-Sized Taste of Clarity! (women only) | Tzipporah Harris | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
11:15 | Uri Zvi Greenberg: Prophecy and Poetry | Alan Mintz | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | We Are No Angels: The Torah of Imperfection | Elianna Yolkut | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | We Cannot Refuse to Participate: Sustaining our Commitment to Justice | Ruth Messinger | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | The Fiery Spiritual Saga of Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai and His Son | Ruby Namdar | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | Limud: Chavruta Learning | Karen Radkowsky & Ellen Flax | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | Movement, Yoga & Meditation | Sheila Lewis | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | Biblical Women as Blue Angels: | Siona Benjamin | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | Celebrating Debbie Friedman z”l | J. Levitt, A.Piatigorsky, M.Lazar | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | What Does Jewish Tradition Think Really Happened at Sinai | David Kraemer | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | The Stuff of American Jewish Life | Jenna Joselit & Brigitte Sion | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | Yoga for 600,000 of Us | Roberta Schine | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:15 | Take Two Tablets and Call Me in the Morning | Jeremy Kalmanofsky | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
11:45 | Tamar and David | R' David Silber | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
11:45 | Love, Poetry, Music, Faith and Wisdom; The Sinai Experience. | R' Naftali Citron | Carlebach Shul – 305 West 79th |
11:45 | Debate with Rabbi: Where is the Modern Orthodoxy Headed?’ | R' Mintz | West Side Institutional 76th btw Columbus & Amst |
11:45 | “Blood Before Blood: Brit Milah, Redemption and the 2 Moshiachs” |
Yona Reich | Ramat Orah – 110th btw Broadway and Amst. |
11:45 | Beginners’ Mishnayot Chavurah, Masechet Brachot, Perek 2 | Lloyd Epstein | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
11:45 | The Jack Bauer Dilemma: Does the Torah Sanction Torture? | R' Yosie Levine | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst) |
11:45 | Angels and Demons – Managing our good and evil inclinations | R' Avi Heller | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst)10fl |
12:00 | Who is a Jew? The Contemporary Conversion Controversy | R' Ariel Rackovsky | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst) |
12:00 | The 20 Most Difficult Verses in Tanach and How to Understand Them | R' Allen Schwartz | OZ – 95th between Columbus and Amst |
12:00 | Lo Bashamyim Hi – The Torah is not in Heaven | R' Meir Ossey | West Side Chabad – 166 West 97th Street |
12:00 | Revolutionary Manifesto for the Jewish Woman | R' Moshe Averick | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
12:00 | Kabbalistic View of Evolution | R' Adam Jacobs | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
12:00 | Mastering Joy: Principles for Real & Lasting Happiness | Steve Eisenberg | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
12:30 | Secularism or Anti-Semitism? The Shechita and Brit Mila Debate | Ute Steyer | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | From Egypt to the Promised Land: Coping with Transitions & Uncertainty | Kim Schneiderman | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Albert Einstein: Toward a Secular Theory of Revelation | Michael Paley | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Biblical Seductions: Ruth & Boaz | Sandra Rapoport | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Lift Your Spirit and Your Laughter with Improv | Zohar Adner | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Meditation | Sheldon Lewis | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Koliphone Records: The Untold Story of Israel’s Arabic Singing Jewish Musicians | Chris Silver | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Michelle’s Jewish Date Party | Michelle Slonim | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Do Jews Have To Believe Anything? | Josh Halberstam | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Yoga | Seth Lieberman | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | Blessing Forbidden Fruit: Conversations with Our Inner Snake | Joshua Katzan | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
12:30 | The Life and Torah of Rabbi Shimshon Pinchus ZL | R' Dovid Cohen | Young Israel – 210 w 91rst |
12:45 | Shmuely Boteach on Shavuot | R' Shmuely Boteach | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst)10fl |
12:45 | The Wisdom of Newcomers: Why Moshe Asked for Jethro | Nehemia Polen | Carlebach Shul – 305 West 79th |
12:45 | Non Jews in a Jewish State: Ancient Texts/ Modern Controversies | David Wolkenfeld | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
12:45 | From Mourning to Yom Tov and Back Again: The Origins of Yizkor | R' Shaul Robinson | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
12:45 | Tamar and David — learning and discussion | Ron Platzer | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
12:45 | Messilat Yesharim | Jesse Cogan: | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
12:45 | AJ Heschel's Kotzk in the Original Yiddish | Paul Slater/Bina Presser | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
12:45 | Beginners Gemara | Ari Schwab | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
12:45 | A Survey of the 613 Commandments – Mitzvah #166: Confession | R' Ephraim Buchwald | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
1:00 | Mission: Impossible? Espionage in Jewish Law | R' Ariel Rackovsky | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst) |
1:15 | Debate with Professor ‘How Big should Israel Make it’s Tent? | Richard Stone | West Side Institutional 76th btw Columbus & Amst |
1:15 | Finding the Spiritual in the Technical: Legalism of Shabbat | Aaron Shub | Ramat Orah – 110th btw Broadway and Amst. |
1:15 | From Sinai to the Present: Challenges of Conversion | R' Akiva Willig | OZ – 95th between Columbus and Amst |
1:15 | Does Bigger Always Mean Better?: An Analysis of Pirkei Avot | Elana Flaumenhaft | OZ – 95th between Columbus and Amst |
1:30 | Historical Attempts to Bring Sacrifices on the Temple Mount | R' Yisroel Fried | West Side Chabad – 166 West 97th Street |
1:30 | Spiritual Resistance to the Holocaust | Dr. Stephen Garrin | Young Israel – 210 w 91rst |
1:30 | The God They Don’t Believe In: Misconceptions About Hashem | R' Adam Jacobs | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
1:30 | Live-Streaming: Tap Your Unique Torah Channel | R' Henry Harris | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
1:45 | The Hot Flame of Jealousy and how to Quench it | R' Ezra Cohen | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst)10fl |
1:45 | Prayer in the Talmud: Transformative, Not Just Vanilla | Joe Septimus | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Going for Gold; Why being a good person is not good enough | Steve Eisenberg | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Land Of Israel in Chassidic Thought | R' Naftali Citron | Carlebach Shul – 305 West 79th |
1:45 | The Halachik, Historic and Religious Significance of Coffee | R' Elli Ausubel | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Hope Springs Eternal: Shavuot and the Reading of Ruth | Ari Schwab | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Backstage with Storahtelling | StorahTelling | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Language Matters: Why We Should Stop Saying ‘Abomination’ and ‘Sodomy’ | Jay Michaelson | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Shakespeare and the Jews | John Hudson | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Meditation – Alexander Technique | Bill Connington | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
1:45 | Sheikh it Baby: Arabic Music by Jewish Musicians | Chris Silver | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
2:00 | Conversion accounts in the books of Esther and Ruth | Yael Yien | Ramat Orah – 110th btw Broadway and Amst. |
2:15 | A New solution to Turning on lights on Shabbat” PART 1 | R' Shlomo Einhorn | West Side Institutional 76th btw Columbus & Amst |
2:15 | State of Emergency: Halachah on the Front Lines of Battle | R' Daniel Fridman | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst) |
2:30 | Ta’amei HaMinhagim – How Knowing What We Do Connects our Body and Soul | Dr. Ricky Goldfarb | OZ – 95th between Columbus and Amst |
2:30 | Revelation at Sinai: Leap of Faith or Compelled by Reason? | R' Moshe Averick | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
2:30 | What Happened At Sinai, According to Chasidic Masters | R' Adam Jacobs | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
2:45 | Some Contemporary Jewish Perspectives on Torture | David Wolkenfeld | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
2:45 | David, King of Israel: A Literary Study | Ari Schwab | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
2:45 | The 18 Blessings we Don't Understand | Zevi Blumenfrucht | Young Israel – 210 w 91rst |
2:45 | 5 True Tests of Character | MJE Participants | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst)10fl |
3:00 | The Top Ten Fascinating Facts About the Ten Commandments | Rabbi Chaim Alevsky | West Side Chabad – 166 West 97th Street |
3:00 | Retracing Revelation: The Quest for a Torah before Sinai | Ariel Mayse | Carlebach Shul – 305 West 79th |
3:00 | In the Path of the Baal Shem Tov | R' Naftali Citron | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
3:00 | Safeguarding Ruth: How the Mesora Preserves our Text | Hayyim Obadyah | Ramat Orah – 110th btw Broadway and Amst. |
3:00 | If You Could Eliminate the desire for Sex & its Complexities, Would You? | Joe Septimus | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
3:00 | Why doesn’t Shavuot have a mitzvah of its own? | Ken Shuster | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
3:00 | Naam Yoga | Sivan Einav | JCC Manhattan – 76th and Amsterdam |
3:15 | A New solution to Turning on lights on Shabbat” PART 2 | R' Shlomo Einhorn | West Side Institutional 76th btw Columbus & Amst |
3:30 | Civilian Casualties, Revenge and Jewish War Ethics | R' Zev Eleff | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst) |
3:30 | Music, Dance, and the Divine: How the Soul Talks | R' Adam Jacobs | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
3:30 | Freedom and Shavuos: Why Commitments Freak Us Out | R' Henry Harris | Aish Hatorah – 313 West 83rd |
3:45 | Late Night SHAVUOT QUIZ (with Prizes!) | Dr. Ricky Goldfarb | Young Israel – 210 w 91rst |
3:45 | Birkat Hatorah: Who, Why and When? | R' Akiva Willig | OZ – 95th between Columbus and Amst |
3:45 | Stump the Rabbis | R Mark Wildes | Jewish Center -131 W 86th (btw Col and Amst)10fl |
3:45 | Your Love is Better than Wine, Does Torah Change When the World Changes? | R' Shaul Robinson | Lincoln Square Synagogue: 68th and Amsterdam |
4:00 | Early Morning Mysticism: Some Hasidic Bits of Torah on Shavuot | R' Moshe Grussgott | Ramat Orah – 110th btw Broadway and Amst. |
4:00 | Energize Your Life with Torah: An Answer to Negativity | Isaac Lebwohl: | Carlebach Shul – 305 West 79th |
4:45 | Shacharit | All Shuls |