25.Lchoyra it was because it wasn't shayach.
23. For me you opened the door? Shkoyach!
22.His svora is (mamash) gishmack
21.The gantza inyan is a shtickel shvach
19.Aderaba / pum fakert, summer is the BEST time for holding by cholent.
18.He doesn't eat turkey, b'shita
17. I davka haven't seen that movie.
16.kal v'chomer!
15. Baruch Hashem Yom Yom
14. I might think…
13. Do I look like I need mincha?
12. EVery bochur who learns by me is precious
11. Mincha mincha?
10. Shema Yisroel.
9. Give me a teretz here folks!
8. The yeshiva has much to do teshuva for
7. what time is shabbos mincha?
6. Am yisorel chai.
5. Taiku!
4. Should I light with or without a bracha?
3. mehadrin min hamihadrin
2. The oil is mamash lasting 8 days!
1. Build a bayis neman byisroel