10.) David Ben Gurion @DBGZion1
“@yishuv, @moetzethaam, About to sign! This is nuts!!!! @StateofIsrael about to happen!”
9.) Uganda @ugandanation
“So….the Jews aren’t coming here? @ugandabagels, @ugandalox, @ugandacreamcheese – shut it down.
8.) League of Arab States @arabstates
“@secgenUN, how about we compromise? You want war or war? Prepare to get your zio-asses kicked! #allornothing”
7.) League of Arab States @arabstates
“@Egypt, @trans-Jordan, @Iraq, @Syria – meet up for war against @StateofIsrael. No need for plan. Play it by ear #easymoney”
6.) Yitzhak Rabin @ikeyrab1922
“@harelbrgd, holding off @Syria near @jersualem. We might actually win this, yet. #goldtstar #Maccabi #firstroundonme”
5.) League of Arab States @arabstates
“Okay, so the war so far just made @StateofIsrael bigger. We have them right where we want ’em? #nakba.”
4.) Haganah @haganah
“@StateofIsrael, @Mr.Ts, changing our handle. Please use @IDF (Israel Defence Forces) going forward. #marketing #thebestoffenseisagooddefense”
3.) Shmuel Koplowitz @samtheman77
“Moving to @StateofIsrael with family. Europe sucks. Neighbors sketchy. #survivor #Aliyah”
1.) Dudu Ashkenazi @sefardicdudu8
“Okay, nu, war is over. Time to get to work. Desserts don’t bloom by themselves #startedfromthebottomnowwehere #startupnation”
1..) Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook @RabbiKook2
“@therealravkook, z’l, Abba!!!! We did it! It’s a miracle! #Chag Sameach #Hallel #Withabracha