AliG: Yo Check it here we is at the Seder with my main man Abram Alan Jenud, He be a Pappa Jew growing up in Stains, practicing an ancient jewish custom of Seder which be eating 4 cups of wine, with some of his home grown, aight”
So What is Matzah?
Uncle A: Matzah is an unleavened bread that was formed when the Jews came out of Egypt
Chaim:: Woah! Woah!, I don't know about no coming out, but if that is the way you is, then I won't judge your or anything
Uncle A: Came out? I mean that they left Egypt
Chaim:: Whatever its cool I won't judge you or anything
Uncle A: Really I am strait, honestly I have 6 Grand children
Chaim:: Booyakash, aight, so Why is this night different from all other nights?
Uncle A: On all other nights we eat regular vegetables but tonight we only eat biter herb
Chaim:: Herb, I know all about the Herb RESPEK!!!!
Uncle A: Not Herb , Bitter Herbs like home Made horseradich
Chaim:: Home- Made is the best type man, you know back in stains my boy Crazy Joe, only Smoke the Home Grown, It Be the best thing in the world Aight!!!
Uncle A: Oy Vey
Chaim:: Yo Check it, drink the wine, Have the home grown herb, and get your munchy on the Matzah, Respek!!!!!!
Bruno: So here we are in the coolest place in the world, Baltimore, with Allin Jenut world famous Lubavitch Neurologist:
Uncle A: Nice to be here with you,
Bruno: So Allin Baby, On Passover there are many different people involved, I want you to tell me if they are Vhatsup or a Nisht Nisht
(Vatsup hold up hands like so)
Uncle A: OK
Bruno: Pharoh
Uncle A: Definitely a Nisht, nisght, lost his slaves, killed jewish baby's, major PR issues, big nisht nisht
Bruno: Moses Vatsup or Nisgh nisght
Uncle A: Big Vatsup, saved the Jewish People, redeemed them, Big Star, Brought 2 sets of tablets Vhatsup (lifts up hands like a W)
Bruno: Zaidy Genut
Uncle A: Vatsup VAtsup, reads the whole haggadah in 20 min., Knows the Talmud, lots of Grandchildren, and great-grand children, Big Vatsup Vatsup!!!
Bruno: So ally, How did you get so cute?
Ancle A: I think this interview is over?
Bruno: Before we finish is there anything you want to say Austria's frum Community?
Uncle A: yeah, don't mix, matzah and water, just don't,
Bruno: No words (just hands motions)
Uncle A: Just don't!!! (mouthing the words, using hands, waving back and forth)
Uncle A: Alright Y'all from Kazakstan please welcome Borat Sagdiyevfrom Kazakstan with his Kazakstani Jew boy band?
Borat: Jagshemash!!! Ok this is song called the Mitzrayima Mozigtrov
It means in EGYPT there is a problem,