When I find myself in times of trouble, I daven for hashem to please help me
He answers my tefillah, answers me
and in my hour of darkness I call out for him to please help me
He answers my tefillah, answers me
answers me, answers me, answers me, answers me
he always answers my tefillah, answers me
and when your feeling broken hearted im sure that we all can agree
Hashem will be the answer, anenni…
Even though the nations are parted and they tend to always disagree
There will be an answer, anneni
anneni, anneni, anneni, anneni….
sometimes I get lost but I feel Hashems light shining over me
hashem is the answer, now i see
I wake up to the sound of music, the shirim and all the beauty
i listen to the words of wisdom, anneni
anneni, anneni, anneni….