To the tune of "Basketcase" by Green Day
Do you have the time,
to listen to me shteig
about Gemorah, Rashi, Tosvos and Rishoooonim?
I am one of those
Yeshivish looking fools
wool Tzitzis and black Yarmalkahs
all are chushiv.
Sometimes I stay up late and learn,
for this Torah thing I yearn
TV's out the door, I just can't take it anymore
Am I Lakewood materiel?
or just frumming out?
I went to a Ruv,
who told me I should love
all of klal yisroel no matter what.
I met the Gadol HaDor
who said i should be learning more
meforshim like Rashboh and Targum Onkolus.
Sometimes i stay up late and learn,
for this Torah thing I yearn,
TV's out the door, I just can't take it anymore
Am I Lakewood materiel?
or just frumming out?
Grasping to know this daf cold
So I BETTER learn pshat
Sometimes i stay up late and learn,
for this Torah thing I yearn,
TV's out the door, I just can't take it anymore
Am I Lakewood materiel?
or just frumming out?