25 Essential Jewish Films: A Price Above Rubies
25 Essential Jewish Films: The Jazz Singer
25 Essential Jewish Films: MERCHANT OF VENICE
Management (2009) Jordan Hiller on Movies
Tragic Romance in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Revolutionary Road
Self-Destruction in The WRESTLER and MILK
Holocaust Denial in Adam Resurrected and The Reader
JE SUIS AWARE: Existentialism and Fate in JCVD and Slumdog Millionaire
Women that Praise -> Meg Ryan, Eva Mendes, Jada Pinkett Smith, Debi Mazar Interviews!
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Savage Grace (Tribeca Film Festival 2008)
Travails With Charlize – Bangitout meets with Charlize!
The Eye (2008) Bangitout Interviews JESSICA ALBA
Orthodox Stance (2008) Interview with Dmitriy Salita
There Will Be Blood (2007) + Bangitout interviews with Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Dano, Paul Thomas Anderson!
Atonement (2007) Bangitout Interviews Keira Knightley!