NCSY National Director Rabbi Steven Burg Crowd Surfing
NCSY National Director Rabbi Steven Burg Crowd Surfing
NCSY National Director Rabbi Steven Burg Crowd Surfing
Practice Napoleon Dynamite Dance in front of Choson/Kallah
New Hilter Comedy Flick Directed By a Yid
2006 Year-end Movies that Bang Spectacular
Seattle Airport Removes Christmas Trees of Rabbi
Avram Fried & MBD live with their fly goys
Yossi Sharf Dancing on stage with Avraham Fried during Show at Queens College
Madonna Presents Sacha Baron Cohen Comedy Award
The LeeVees “How Do You Spell Channukkahh” Video
White House Chief of Staff Bolten Reads “What is Hanukkah?”
President Bush Menorah Lighting at White House 2004
First White House Lighting 2001 (right after 9/11)
Where in Israel is Jacob – Dancing tribute to Israel.
Boy Trains to be Jewish for 8 Nights of Gifts Create Your Own R2-D2 Chanukah “Droidel”
2 Yeshiva Kids Compete Drinking a Gallon of Milk (Gross!!!!)
Mass Stadium of Satmars Singing at Tisch Mozei Shavous (Wow)
Mevaseret Purim Shpeil 2006 – Murder at Mevaseret
MMY (Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim) eMMy Awards
Isreali Explaining Chanukah Sufganiot to Priest
Quick Shop of Madonna at Kabbalah Center Purim Party