How much do Palestinians suffer under occupation?
So a guy asked Palestinians in the West Bank this question…here are there major gripes: Travel Checkpoints Travel Checkpoints Travel Checkpoints
So a guy asked Palestinians in the West Bank this question…here are there major gripes: Travel Checkpoints Travel Checkpoints Travel Checkpoints
“Bloody Syria: How Will It End?”: Dr. Mordechai Kedar interviewed by Yishai Fleisher
Yishai Fleisher Interview with Dr. Mordechai Kedar on Syria
Daily Show: Claims on the Sacred Land of Halifax
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
Tamar Fogel – 12 – Speaks about Israel after her Family was killed by a Palestinian Terrorist
Jews Christians and Muslims Pray for Rain in Israel
Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World
Col. Richard Kemp on the U.N. Goldstone Report
Video Shows Gilad Shalit Alive And Well !!!
דם הכל הדם (גרסת כיסוי ל-“דבש הכל דבש”) שדרות בל
Satire: Reporting in Iran (daily show style)