In a trend sweeping the world over today, millions of Purim revelers are starting the Adar celebration early by honoring the hero of Purim, Queen Esther, with a day devoted to the color of green.

The midrash explains that Queen Esther was also called Hadassah stemming from the word “hadas,” myrtle. Esther was similar to the hadas in that she had a deep olive-green complexion.

Because of this honor that Queen Esther bestowed on all of the world, the city of Chicago dyed their river green today to remember her greatness.

The shtarkest country, one with the most Queen Esther Chassidim and are most stringent on the halachos of marbim b'simcha, is apparently Ireland, where the entire country takes a day to be sameach, have suedos, do mitzvos for their fellow irishmen, and make a L'Chaim to the savior of the Jewish people. Shkoach Irishmen and of course women, alike.  Mi Shenichnas Adar Marbim b'simcha. Esther truly deserves this kavod, and I only wish the rest of the yidden would truly recognize all that the bnos yisroel do for klal yisroel, other than make cholent.

Queen Esther Chassid.